Millipede Extermination Ontario
What is a Millipede?
Millipedes play an important role by breaking down organic matter in a variety of environments. Approximately 10,000 species of millipede are found all over the world. Millipedes belong to a class of soil arthropods that have two pairs of legs on each body segment. As they grow, millipedes increase their length by adding body segments. With each additional segment comes two pairs of new legs. In Ontario, most millipedes lay clusters of 20-300 eggs in nests buried in the soil. GreenLeaf pest control to help you with millipedes removal for good!
How to Identify a Millipede
Pest Stats
What do millipede look like?
Some have almost 100 legs, but because they are so closely arranged, millipedes tend to move slowly, with their legs pushing in a wave-like pattern. The millipede has the most legs of any animal on Earth (750 legs). However, most millipede species have about 300 legs.
In general, the body of a centipede is usually yellowish to dark brown in colour, sometimes with darker stripes or markings. The heads of centipedes have a pair of long and sensitive antennae covered with dense hairs. They have small mouths and have large, claw-like structures that contain a venom gland. In fact, some centipedes have compound eyes containing as many as 200 optical units, while others have a cluster of simple eyes on each side of the hear or no eyes.
There are two representative species. The usual pest species is the common house centipede Scutigera coleoptrata (Linnaeus). This centipede is about 1-1 1/2” (25-38 mm) long. Its body is grayish-yellow with three longitudinal dark stripes. The house centipede has 15 pairs of long legs. The antennae and last pair of legs are longer than its body. The largest centipedes are in the genus Scolopendra and may grow to as much as 6” (15 cm) long. Their legs and antennae are shorter than those of the house centipede.

How to get rid of house millipede
The most effective way to prevent a millipede infestation is to reduce areas of moisture in and around your home. Make sure your foundation, basement, and crawl spaces are dry by using dehumidifiers if needed. Provide adequate ventilation in basements, seal holes, cracks and gaps that enable outdoor millipedes to get inside a home which is best for millipede removal.
If a millipede is found indoors, you can get rid of it with a vacuum.
Still, need help? Contact a licensed pest professional for millipedes removal, if you suspect an infestation.
In Ontario, most millipedes lay clusters of 20-300 eggs in nests buried in the soil. From the time of egg-laying in the spring or early summer, it takes millipedes at least a year and a half to achieve sexual maturity. Some species can live from 2-5 years.
Millipedes belong to a class of soil arthropods that have two pairs of legs on each body segment. As they grow, millipedes increase their length by adding body segments. With each additional segment, two pairs of new legs will come.
Millipedes are essential in soil formation in some deciduous and tropical forests. Virtually all feed on the decayed matter or fresh vegetation. The arthropods also commonly burrow in areas where the soil stays moist, like under rocks or piles of mulch.
What matters is millipede removal from getting inside your property! GreenLeaf pest control just call away!
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At GreenLeaf we are not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. We are more than just the “exterminator”. We are your neighbour, protectors of public health and the environment. Give us a call, and let our team take care of your business or home.