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House Fly Control Toronto & Ontario

What is a House Fly?

The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes. It has a worldwide distribution and is prominent in Canada or the United States. House flies are not only nuisance pests while buzzing around homes, but they are potential disease carriers. House fly have short lifespans, but they can quickly reproduce in large numbers, leading to large house fly populations if not identified and effectively controlled.

How to Identify a House Fly

Pest Stats



Dark gray


Adults are about 1/8-1/4” (4-7.5 mm) long






Small, oval


Found throughout Canada

What do House Flies look like?

The housefly is usually gray in appearance and displays four black stripes on its thorax. Adult house flies are about 1/8-1/4” (4 to 7.5 mm) long. They have slightly hairy bodies, a single pair of wings and compound red eyes, which contain thousands of individual lenses that allow them to have wider vision. The female house fly is usually larger than males. House flies do not have teeth or a stinger.

House fly eggs resemble small grains of rice. The eggs hatch into larvae, also known as maggots, which range in size from about ¼-3/8” (7-10 mm) long. Maggots are cream colored with a greasy appearance. When entering the pupal stage, maggots develop dark, hard outer shells, legs and wings, ultimately emerging as full-grown adult flies.

Signs of an Infestation

The most common sign of a house fly infestation is the presence of the flies, themselves. Larvae may also be seen crawling out of their breeding material as they pupate. Along with seeing house flies, people may hear them around the home. House flies produce a buzzing sound which is a result of their two wings beating together.

Let us help you out.

At GreenLeaf we are not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. We are more than just the “exterminator”. We are your neighbour, protectors of public health and the environment. Give us a call, and let our team take care of your business or home.

